Both Sides of the Stage

Accessibility and inclusivity should be integral to every part of an event, not just for the audience but also for the staff, performers, and crew.

By providing the right support and accommodations on both sides of the stage, we ensure that individuals of all abilities have the opportunity to participate fully and contribute their talents.

Supporting Event Professionals with Sensory and Chill-Out Spaces

Event professionals, whether staff, performers, or crew—also need support to do their best work. Our sensory and chill-out spaces are designed to offer not just a place to rest, but a supportive environment where everyone involved in the event can feel comfortable and valued.

What We Offer:

  • Quiet Retreats: Spaces where staff, performers, and crew can step away from the hustle and bustle, manage stress, or simply take a breather in a calm, low-stimulation environment.

  • Sensory Support: With features like noise-cancelling headphones, low lighting, and comfortable seating, these spaces are perfect for those moments when a quiet pause is needed to recharge.

  • Friendly Faces and Welcoming Conversations: Our team is there to provide a warm welcome, a listening ear, or even a shoulder to lean on. We’re committed to creating a positive atmosphere where everyone feels supported, whether they need a quick chat, some quiet time, or a bit of extra encouragement.

Promoting Disability Awareness and Inclusion

We believe that accessibility and inclusivity should be woven into every aspect of an event, from the front of the house to backstage:

  • Inclusive Work Environment: By making the necessary adaptations and providing tailored support, we foster an inclusive workplace where individuals of all abilities are respected and given the opportunity to excel.

  • Highlighting Talents of All Abilities: By supporting performers with disabilities, we not only provide essential accommodations but also showcase to audiences that talent and creativity are not limited by disability, setting a powerful example for all.

Partner with Bass Therapy to ensure your event is inclusive and supportive for everyone involved. By creating environments where a friendly face, a welcoming conversation, or even a shoulder to lean on are readily available, we help build a more inclusive and compassionate event industry.

For more information on how we can support your event staff, performers, and crew, contact us today!